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Expressions Dance Center Classes

Dance with Me, Please!!!

A class designed for our littlest dancers who aren't quite ready to leave an adult!  Perfect for ages 18 months to 2.5 years, we focus on basic preschool movements and balance skills, simple tumbling and sing along songs!

Children's Classes

We offer Ballet/Tap Combo classes for ages 2-7.  These classes allow children to explore different styles of dance in one class and learn coordination and  musicality and have fun at the same time!! 

  • All combo classes range from 45 minutes to 1 hour in length.

  • Ballet/tap requires both tap shoes and ballet slippers

  • Dance outfit of choice for class!

  • One costume but two dances at recital!!

  • We have multiple age groups to provide age appropriate classes:

    • Ages 2

    • Ages 3

    • Ages 4

    • Ages 5

    • Ages 6


For the dancer who wants to study only classical ballet.   More time will be dedicated to vocabulary and developing upper body.  Ages 7-adult. 

  • Ballet Classes range from 45 minutes to 1.5 hour depending on level.

  • Ballet classes require a leotard and tights and ballet slippers. Skirts optional.  Hair back in a bun.

  • Pre-pointe and Pointe offered as well as at the invitation of the Director.


For the dancer who wants to only study Jazz Dance.  For ages 7 to adult.

  • All jazz classes range from 1-1.5 hours in length.

  • Jazz shoes required and dance outfit of choice but nothing baggy. Hair secured back.



Whether you have taken Tap in a combo or simply want to try to make sounds with your feet, our tap class with help you learn the steps and how to connect those steps to make beautiful rhythms with your feet! Ages 7 and up.

  • We offer 3 levels of Tap.

  • We utilize the Al Gilbert Tap Syllabus.

  • Black lace up tap shoes required, dance outfit of choice but nothing baggy.


For dancer 12 and up, Lyrical/Contemporary explores the dancers ability to express emotion and tell a story through dance.

  • Class is 45 minutes in length.

  • Shoes are optional, barefeet are fine.  Hair secured away from face.  Dance outfit of choice but nothing baggy!


A popular option, our Cheer program is a great introduction for our young dancers in the style and structure of Cheer that will help them be ready for Cheer teams in Middle and High School. Ages 5 and up.

  • Cheer classes are 45 minutes depending on level.

  • Cheer shoes purchased through the studio and outfit of choice required!


Hip-hop is a great dance class for those who want something like what they see on musical videos!  Learn the different styles and moves! Ages 5 and up!

  • Classes are 45 minutes.

  • Hip-Hop shoes purchased through the studio and outfit of choice just nothing too baggy.

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